Sleep Apnea Treatment Near You
Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most important, beneficial things you can do for yourself in order to live a healthy, full life.
Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes your breathing to repeatedly stop and start while you are sleeping. While usually just an annoying problem that causes fatigue, it can become dangerous and life-threatening in certain situations, leading to heart and respiratory problems and sometimes even death.
Dentists can help treat sleep apnea with oral devices (also called oral appliances). To enlarge the airway and improve airflow, these devices push the tongue and jaw forward. These devices minimize the risk of the tissues collapsing and narrowing the airway when inhaling.

FAQs About Sleep Apnea
What are the signs I might have sleep apnea?
It might be hard for you to determine whether you have a problem with sleep apnea, considering that you are asleep when the issues are happening. However, there are still a number of clear symptoms that are telltale signs of sleep apnea. These symptoms include loud snoring, periods where you stop breathing during sleep, waking up in the middle of the night with shortness of breath, waking up with a dry mouth and sore throat, headaches in the morning, insomnia at night, excessive drowsiness during the day, trouble paying attention, and general irritability.
When should I seek help for my sleep apnea?
While it might not seem like the most pressing concern at the moment, ignoring the problems of sleep apnea can sometimes end up having life-threatening consequences. That is why if you think you might be dealing with sleep apnea you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some serious signs that could signal it is time to sleep apnea treatment in Grande Prairie, AB at our dental clinic include: snoring loud enough to bother yourself or others sleeping, gasping for air to that point that it wakes you up in the middle of the night, random pauses in your breathing while asleep, or extreme fatigue during the day, to the point where you cannot stay awake.
If you think you may be suffering from sleep apnea, contact Northern Dental Centre. We offer sleep apnea treatment near you to help you receive a good night’s sleep.